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Песня "Bomb Iraq" на мотив "Если хочешь быть счастливым делай так..."
{Обязательно надо ПЕТЬ, а не читать}
Выложил на Ру-Боард: dg

Sung to the tune: "If You're Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands":

If we cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets hurt your Mama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are Saudi
And the bank takes back your Audi
And the TV shows are bawdy,
Bomb Iraq.

If the corporate scandals growin', bomb Iraq.
And your ties to them are showin', bomb Iraq.
If the smoking gun ain't smokin'
We don't care, and we're not jokin'.
That Saddam will soon be croakin',
Bomb Iraq.

Even if we have no allies, bomb Iraq.
From the sand dunes to the valleys, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections;
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.

If Shirak is not your mama, bomb Iraq.
And if Shreder's not your papa, bomb Iraq.
Even if the oil is buning,
Main in life is money earning,
Look! Saddam is pale turning!
Bomb Iraq.

While the globe is slowly warming, bomb Iraq.
Yay! the clouds of war are storming, bomb Iraq.
If the ozone hole is growing,
Some things we prefer not knowing.
(Though our ignorance is showing),
Bomb Iraq.

So here's one for dear daddy, bomb Iraq,
From his favorite little laddy, bomb Iraq.
Saying no would look like treason.
It's the Hussein hunting season.
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.




Relax.ru - LэхъфюЄv Informer.ru

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